Do I need an account to place an order?
No, all you need is an email address to place and track orders. To checkout faster and access your order updates we recommend setting up an account.
If you create an account and place an order, you’ll be automatically enrolled in our loyalty program. Every piece you buy takes you one step closer to unlocking exclusive rewards such as discounts and free shipping.
How do I place an order on your website?
Select your desired item and click Add To Cart. Once you’ve added all items, it’s time to checkout. Sign in to your account or, if you’ve not yet created one, continue via guest checkout. Click on View Cart. Click on Add an address for shipping options. Insert your country, postal code and city and click on Update. Fill the next page with all the required contact and shipping details. We’ll confirm the order and it will be carefully prepared and shipped to you with updates every step of the way.
Can I cancel my order or make changes to it?
Yes, you may be able to cancel your order 24 hours after we receive your payment. Afterwards it would be too late. Once we send the order to the factory and pay for it, it can’t be canceled or changed.
Are these LV handbags 100% genuine?
No, not 100%. Although they come from the LV factories in China, they are not a finished product. The final part of production is completed in France, Spain or USA. Therefore about 80% of these items are genuine from the LV factory, the rest is cloned using the same materials. Only experienced artisans, especially those who service and repair pre-owned LV items could notice these tiny differences. These are the reasons why our LV bags cost 1/10 of the ones purchased in LV stores and are shipped without box, guarantee, microchip, extra merchandise, etc.
What happens if my order is stuck at customs? Do I have to pay import duties?
We guarantee delivery. This means we use shipping agents located in various countries to guarantee there won’t be any hassle at customs. In case something happens, kindly contact us providing your tracking code. And we’ll take it from there. Our promise to you is this: at worst, we will reship your item for free, no question asked. Or we’ll refund you in full if you choose this option.
How long will shipping take?
That depends on the country of destination. Generally shipping time is between 10 and 20 working days from the date you receive the tracking. Order processing time is about 3 days from confirmation of received payment.
How do you ship?
Always by courier. We reserve the right to choose if it’ll be DHL, UPS or Fedex.
How much is the shipping cost?
Shipping fees by courier:
EU & UK 60 EUR
Asia 25 EUR
Anywhere else 60 EUR
Which payments do you accept?
We accept bank transfers via Wise, credit cards via Stripe, Paypal donations and Bitcoin. For more details visit this page.
Can I return an item if I’m not satisfied with the quality?
Sure. We are 100% sure you will be delighted with the fantastic quality of our items. Don’t forget they are 80% genuine LV. But if you change your mind, let us know within 2 days or reception of your order and we’ll inform you about the return and refund procedures. Or you can read it here.
For further questions kindly contact our customer service at